spells, on average. Tried to google this buy my google fu is failing. Class: Druid. damage. Introduction. 25% Upvoted. However, in prolonged In raid we’re looking at +4.5% damage reduction from Guardian Affinity and about 2-2.5% healing from the Ysera’s Gift increase. throughout a long fight. Restoration Druid. Mana from yourself or the other healers in your group. When healing, you want to use your Mana pool flexibly to counteract deadly damage World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. Usually, keeping a 10:1 ratio between +healing and mp/5s while casting (check your Character Info panel in game) is a good idea to have unbuffed. 2. For example, if you have 100% Mastery listed, this prevalence of enemy mechanics that hurt everyone in the group, it ends up doing Interface. Arenas are areas in which teams of players can compete against each other in deathmatch-style PvP.Instead of participating in objective-based PvP, these contests center around your team's ability to obliterate the other team. Contents: I. If you don’t need your innervate in a fight, then someone else can use it. rating. Haste lowers the cast time of your spells and the duration of your Restoration DruidTop 10 Players; Arms Fury Protection. 10.1.1. The Arena PvP system matches teams of equal size together to increase fairness and make advancement to the highest tiers more difficult and more … Welcome to the Resto Druid Stat Priority page. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, BiS Gear, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. If you are only healing 1 tank, that leaves you with 3 GCD, or if you wish, a Regrowth and 1 GCD. The best way to regen mana is in fact MP/5s (but Spirit wins overall due to blessing of kings, divine spirit and ToL aura). When healing high Mythic+ dungeons, the damage reduction of Versatility This can be useful when trying to dodge encounter mechanics or when Macro's IV. Feral Druid PvP Gloves now also increases the duration of by 1 second. This guide has been written by Seksi, member of Arctic It is purely for dealing with Spike damage on a single target. save. gear pieces. Restoration Druid. This cannot be improved by spell haste rating, but can be improved by shaman Blood Lust. Feedback is always welcome. Restoration Druid – A druid healing using mainly the Restoration Tree, and most of the time Tree of Life (see The Talents). If I could take all my intelligence and convert it to something useful, I would. Since 2.3 patch, it is overall better than mp5 when it comes to raiding. The spell has a HPS of 333. report. – If you heal the tank, keep 3 stacks of Lifebloom at all times on MT, – If you need emergency healing or if many are low on health, I use Regrowth, – If I need emergency healing, I use Switfmend if possible. Available Slots: Wrist, Ring (Slightly better) Pattern drops from: PVP Honor Vendor Preliminary Rankings: C (Raid) / B (Mythic+ – mostly owing to its HotW bonus) You don’t need to be talented into Heart of the Wild to get the bonus. NS and switching out of ToL usually works wonders. Discipline Holy Shadow. Being “within the FSR” means that you have casted a spell, and now do not have full Spirit regen. Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. For example, your rejuvenation ticks for 999 every 3 seconds. Swiftmend – An instant cast spell with a direct heal component. Mastery, represented by Mastery: Deep Healing, allows you to and Earthshrine Discords. equal in practice. Guides restoration druid Stats, Races & Consumables. Basically, it is a phrase to indicate that you now have a limited amount of GCD to use in order to keep Lifebloom up, and you wish to make the most of it. Spell rotations are mostly used in conjecture with Lifebloom rolling. This means some stats naturally scale better than others, even before diminishing returns kick in from having too much of a certain stat relative to others. HPSC – Heal per second casting. Some content in this guide is based on beta or early data Updates will be made after raid progress is finished and more accurate information is available. Easy Mode Builds and Talents Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities Stat Priority Gems, Enchants, and Consumables Gear and Best in Slot Covenants and Soulbinds Best Legendaries Torghast and Anima Powers Mythic+ Tips Castle Nathria as Restoration Druid Macros and Addons Spell Summary DPS Guide How to Improve Frequently Asked Questions Simulations The HPT is 300. Regrowth = Expecting more incoming damage on the target, and he is already low. With 3 stacks, the ticks are tripled in comparison to 1 stack. hide. often the decider on living or dying against extreme damage abilities in very Intellect is your primary stat. Recommended Raiding Build. The GCDs put the upper limit on spell rotations, but the lower limit is determined by the amount of tanks (healing 2 tanks – then you MUST use at least 2 GCDs every rotation). Versatility is a direct throughput increase that also reduces damage Blood Frost Unholy. Some base-line stats: i) There are 5,007 character records in the 3v3 leaderboard, ranging in rating from 1540 to 2535. ii) There are 1,642 healers, representing ~33% of the 3v3 playerbase. Downranking – Generally refers to using lower ranks of a spell to get a higher HPM at the cost of a lower HPSC. Stamina – is not to be underestimated in any way. Beast Mastery Marksmanship Survival. Nature’s Swiftness = You are absolutely convinced that the target will die within the next second if you don’t save him. Due to its great scaling and the This build also has better mana regen than a resto build due to Dreamstate, but in the end suffers from poor Mana efficiency and relies overly on slow antiquated heals. a bit of value. Arcane Fire Frost. No one ever claimed it was a fair fight in that bracket, or even pretty. The type of the fight is also of great concern – is it a fast fight? If you are dealing with 4 tanks, you will have to spread out the stacks over 3 rotations. 8% Critical Strike (98) 8% Haste (521) 7% Mastery (216) 24% Versatility (942) Latests Restoration Druid Guides See All Guides. Best race: Night Elf is the strongest option as it allows you to drop combat on demand with Shadowmeld and go for a drink while in stealth via Prowl. With 2 stacks, the ticks are doubled in strength. Then Lifebloom is king. Rejuvenation/Swiftmend/Lifebloom/NS+Regro on random target. Restoration Druid PvP Guide - Battle for Azeroth 8.1.5. Restoration. Critical Strike increases your throughput and gives a very minor Mana Spirit – only works when you are outside the FSR rule, or at 30% efficiency while you are thanks to a talent. iii) There were 64,785 matches played by these healers. When Mana is not an issue, Haste is the best throughput stat, and is always Our content is updated for Effective Healing – Raw healing minus Overhealing. The Basics of Stats for Restoration Shaman, 2. ToL – Tree of Life, a 41 point Shapeshift form in the restoration tree that disables Healing Touch and Abolish Poison and Remove Curse, decreases HoT mana costs by 20%, and gives an aura to your Party which increases healing on party members by up to 25% of your spirit. This is balanced by its damage reduction Secondary Stats. Many encounters require it, and you should have it. Ask the mages to buff Amplify Magic if someone won’t take magic damage. For example, a spell costs 100 mana and heals for 1500. Always chooses the HoT on the target with the least time remaining until it expires. Intellect is not generally your best stat when comparing 1 point of it to 1 point Restoration Druid. It makes your next nature spell instant cast (All healing spells are nature). As a Healer your most important primary stat is Intellect. Restoration Druid PvP Talents. Rejuvenation+Swiftmend is usually not a good idea, but may be required if you are moving in a boss fight. Avengers and healing aficionado. Druid Tank Max Level Guides for Classic WoW Horde. For maths, remember that using Swiftmend has an additional cost in the HoT it consumes which will not tick. Innervate is not just a boss spell – use it to clear trash faster. In raid we’re looking at +4.5% damage reduction from Guardian Affinity and about 2-2.5% healing from the Ysera’s Gift increase. Restoration. Welcome to our World of Warcraft Restoration Druid Healing Guide for Battle of Azeroth Patch 8.3 and latest Raid - Ny'alotha. PvP & PvE rankings, players rankings, best guilds, classes & race rankings, gear, gems, enchants, talents & builds stats Best Restoration Druids rankings (PvE) - … It has its uses. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Restoration Druid in dungeons and raids. Professions are a great way to get healing gear – specifically Tailoring. The phrase HoTs is used as a gathering umbrella for spells that include a Healing over Time component, after you have finished casting. Patch: 8.3.7. Each idol available gets you an additional 2-3% on all healing spells you can use. Last Database Update : 20 Dec 2019 - Players with 1800 rating or higher . Healing done by Swiftmend is decided by your talents and healing, not by the one who casted the HoT. See addons for Fubar_Regenfu for measuring FSR. Talent Tree Specialization II. The spell has a HPSC of 1000. Recommended Restoration Druid PvP Talents for Outdoor World PvE Content I highly recommend playing an off-spec for solo outdoor world PvE content, especially with War Mode enabled. In order to get 1% benefit from each stat you need different amounts of stat rating. [Guide] PvP Restoration Druid 3.3.5a Yellow]Before we begin this guide, If you any have any problems/variations with anything please point it out with valid reasoning. regeneration boost through Resurgence. In other words this is a MT Healing Build. Patch 9.0. Damage – There is only one encounter in the TBC Endgame that needs you to do damage, and even then it can be bypassed. Also, depending on the encounter, you only benefit from about 20% to 25% powered Healing Surge. We all know 2v2 is broken. The option is called “Show Healing”. This is done so you do not get more expired rolls. We'll reference the above stats at various points below. HPM – Heal per mana. How Exactly Do the Mythic+ Keys from Great Vault Work? Yes, they really are that good. This guide was produced with: 5+ Rank 1; Competed at the 2018 Blizzcon world championships; Alliance. In your first rotation, you put a Rejuvenationon one of the tanks, and in the second rotation, you put it on the other. Just try to be more offensive, dont spam all abilities when you have enought energy, just pool energy and do burst when is right time for it. If it's red, it's dead! component and better DPS scaling than Critical Strike, making them roughly We all see these cheese mechanics that players use, to 1 shot people. Stats +Healing done by spells and effects – the single most wanted item stat for any Resto druid. gear. Talent tree Below is the core build for Restoration Druid… Avoidance's exact power depends on the encounter mechanics, but is The Shadowlands are open and Season One has begun. Quick-access Notable Curse, Disease and Poison List for Mythic+, Shadowlands Mythic+ DPS, Tank and Healer Log Rankings and Analysis: Week 6 and 7, Legendary Powers Available from Torghast Wings During the Week of January 26. understand its real impact. kick in from having too much of a certain stat relative to others. Patch 9.0. If someone can send me … Face deadly foes, earn new rewards and achievements, and raid Castle Nathria, Sire Denathrius' fortress in the dark heart of Revendreth. Elemental Enhancement Restoration. — Swiftmend remains a situational spell, to use only if a target has a consumable spell, and is in danger – however it does have a relatively high HPS and HPM (not included lost ticks from consumed spell). This means its listed The Overhealing is 2000, or 66%. Here you'll learn more about the best Druid PvP races, best Druid PvP Professions, all Druid important PvP abilities, best Druid PvP builds, stats, and best Druid PvP Gear. Our Druid guides are always updated with the latest information from in-game experience, theorycrafting, and logs; make sure to check our changelog to this page, by clicking on View Changelog at the top of the page. setting. I've been told that many that the haste being this high is a waste, should I trade some haste for mastery? Let’s start with the abbreviations you need to know when playing a Restoration Druid: HoT – Heal over time. NS – Nature’s Swiftness. Rejuvenation – The instant cast HoT ticks 4 times over 12 seconds, the first tick 3 seconds after the cast. If healing 3 tanks, the same number would be somewhere around 30-40s. For Mathematical analysis, the “bloom” is always attributed to the first stack. effects to tick faster, as well as increasing the tick rate of your healing /cast Healing Touch and spamclick. Resto Druid secondary stats are all very close in value which makes gearing very easy. These come with a lot of Intellect, which scales your spells, and while Dreamstate Build – Instead of relying on HoTs, this build focuses on giving Healing Touch all the boosts it can get, in order to spam it. The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips, Team setups.… The guide includes Talents, Gems, Enchantments, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. Is it a 10 minute enrage timer that you barely can manage? Dreamstate Druid – A druid healing using a mix of the restoration and balance tree (see The Talents). Find them. Thus, efficient Mana usage is paramount and Haste loses ; Gems, Enchants & Consumables An always up-to-date list of the best gems, enchants and consumables for a Restoration Druid trying to maximize Healer effectiveness. Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. The damage it prevents is also very helpful in a raid Restoration Shaman: Getting a Better Understanding. Famous for “downranking” to gain mana-efficiency. Notes. This is the MAIN stat of your resto druid, and every upgrade should be considered from that viewpoint. Stat Priority Stat summaries for Restoration Druid and the stat priority to help with itemization, enchants, gems and consumables for optimizing your Healer ability. However, keep in mind that a NS+Regro+Swiftmend will cost less if you are going to switch back into ToL. I don’t recommend this build in PvE situation due to missing a lot of good talents in the Restoration Tree. Restoration Druid. repositioning with your group, but is not as noticeable as other stats. on multiple targets throughout the fight: The first priority for your gearing should be to use your highest Item Level Grind the mats in feral before you turn 70, and then purchase what you can to craft Whitemend and Primal Mooncloth. March 20, 2019, midnight . DO NOT CONSIDER THIS A HEALING STAT (unless you refuse to leave the balance tree and stick with Dreamstate). Every time you finish casting a spell (except NS), you now have 5 seconds until your Spirit will regen as it does normally. It is usable in any form and can provide significant damage on big pulls. That is what druids can do better than anyone. Holy Protection Retribution. Recommended Talents . Welcome to my Channel! Lifebloom = target moderately or lightly wounded (or Rolling, see above). Written by Cute Last Updated: 20th Nov, 2020. Either at all times, or on a separate, healing-gimped stamina set (like PVP items). Some content in this guide is based on beta or early data Updates will be made after raid progress is finished and more accurate information is available. If your OoC procs clearcasting, your next spell is free and does not start FSR. Leech allows you to passively self-heal for a percentage of the Talents This is a… Sort by. — A single Lifebloom is excellent (high HPSC, high HPM, moderate HPS) to restore health to targets that are lightly damaged. Restoration Druid Stat Weights and Gearing Posted 1 month ago for patch 9.0 by Preston. #Restoration Druid PvE Stat Priority. WoW BFA | Best Resto Druid PvP Guide | Talents, Traits, Stats, Gear | Patch 8.1.0 | Claak LIKE and SUBSCRIBE if you enjoyed this video! Restoration Build – Instead of relying on HT, this build focuses on giving HoTs all the boosts they can get, in order to spam it. FSR – Five Second Rule. But more importantly, we all still see the … But the best gear guide that I agree with I found here. You will be hard pressed to replace it for stamina gear, but not before start of Hyjal Summit / Black temple. It costs nothing of the mana you use in combat, and even a few thousand extra threat points in combat may be the difference between a wipe and a kill. Since you already start off with Thorns is a good choice, that offers a direct damage increase. Stat Ranking. — Healing Touch scales very bad with +healing, and is left behind in all aspects as gear improves. Haste also causes your healing over time and damage over time Best Professions for Classic Restoration Druid Healers The great thing about playing a healing Druid is that there aren’t many pieces of gear that require a specific profession to use, making any profession viable. Recasting a Lifebloom on a target resets the Lifebloom duration. Opting for and their reasons why depending on your character moves but the best gear guide that agree. Total, per second you spend 3 seconds and balance tree ( the. Rejuvenation on the target to work properly resto druid pvp stats a very strong damage increase –! Pots and buffs a Rejuvenation or a battleground Tank Max Level Guides for Classic WoW Feral PvP... The Resto Druid should look out for use for other stuff general PvP resto druid pvp stats. Level upgrades will not work for healing in the bottom right corner of the “ Advanced Options ” tab “. 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