Although Atyopsis superficially resembles Atya more closely than do any of the other atyid genera, it seems to be distinguished by many physical characters (difference in pleopods and telson) to justify its separation. My current shrimp is red and has been since the day I got him. The appearance of the Bamboo Shrimp is one of our favorite things about the species. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to,, and and other Affiliate programs. If you have enough plants in your tank and a suitable current you might not need to feed them at all! Thus, the feeding can also be the problem to some degree. They think they’re neglecting these animals by not dropping food into the tank. Very nice post… It’s easy to find claims of them being successfullybred online, but currently, all the reports are unsubstantiated. The salinity must be lowered gradually. Small larvae which is able to swim hatches from these eggs. Tip #2: Target feeding. It’s worth noting that in a lot of countries in Southern Asia this shrimp is actually sought after as a source of food for humans. Wood Shrimp can handle a variety of substrates which means you can defer to the preference of the other plants and animals they’ll be sharing the aquarium with. Next, it takes about 70 more days to become the adult Bamboo shrimp. You can combine them with snails (, Bamboo shrimp can be associated with all shrimp species because it does not, Bamboo shrimp – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet and Breeding. Small amounts of green marine water are suggested as a first food. Amano Shrimp Care Amano Shrimp are one of the hardiest and least demanding inverts in the freshwater aquarium hobby. Nobody has ever observed them making burrows of any kind. Their fans are much smaller than Bamboo shrimp, compared to body size as well. Bamboo shrimp are easy to keep but close to impossible to breed. Perhaps the biggest problem is that juveniles need brackish water to develop properly, but adults cannot survive in brackish water. The two main health issues you have to worry about with the Bamboo Shrimp come from big changes or events to their habitat. Take our advice and give this species a shot. At first, they do not eat or move much. But we think this shrimp isn’t as popular as they should be. Author Note: If you have to supplement their diet make sure you don’t add too much. Bamboo shrimp cannot eat things like shrimp pellets. Clown Loaches are one of the most popular freshwater fish in the aquarium scene. Breeding: Although breeding bamboo shrimp is possible, it’s a real challenge. Unfortunately, people usually forget about it. According to direct underwater observations and gut content analyses, Bamboo shrimp is a detritivore. Breeding: There is one drawback for the Bamboo Shrimp: it doesn’t completely breed in freshwater. Because of its size and hardness, it can take them 2-3 days to consume it. This means consistency is just as important as finding the right parameters. In order to thrive, they require some specific conditions that are a little out of the ordinary. This is a problem because the vast majority of tank medications contain copper in them. Bamboo shrimp development cycle is rather complex and clearly indicates on estuarine or sea habitat of their ancestors. That’s why we always recommend that you exercise caution when adding them to your tank. Bamboo Shrimp Breeding. While the bamboo shrimp is a freshwater shrimp, their larvaerequire brackish water. This is not the species to choose if you want to start a shrimp breeding tank, Ghost Shrimp or Cherry Shrimp would make easier options. It is a sign of proper development. These little critters are always scavenging and filtering the water for food. Neocaridina shrimp lack the planktonic larval stage, therefore, it is a completely suppressed type based on the type. Unfortunately, only in a relatively long aquarium can create a sufficiently uniform flow and volume of water. Although they do not interact between themselves a lot, the group makes them more comfortable and less stressed. The Bamboo Shrimp molting process has occurred for our shrimp nearly once every two months or so. The thing is that juveniles can grow successful… When you combine this with the fact that adults can’t survive in this, you end up with an awkward logistical problem. However, it will be a good meal for other shrimp. By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll be an expert in understanding their habitat, diet, size, water parameters, and even breeding techniques. In still water, they remain motionless in most cases and usually do not sweep the substrate for food as some Atyids do. These are more complementary and will help add a little variety to their habitat as well. The pond will be raised above ground. Breeding is quite complicated. They benefit each other very well. Aquarium Source is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to By including plants in their habitat you’re making a lot easier for them to find food naturally (without needing to rely on supplementation). They are low-order shrimp (they hatch as larva and never small types of the people) and need salt-water for that larva to develop. You can impact their size by maintaining good water quality and feeding them a healthy and balanced diet. It contains a lot of necessary ingredients and what is more important, it drifts in the water. Some shrimp breeders also advise keeping a few, Bamboo shrimp require a rather larger tank due to their unique feeding behavior. Would they breed in a large tank with dwarf-shrimp safe fishes and lots of plant cover? It is all about water parameters and temperature. Anything smaller and you will have food problems and the shrimp will not be too comfortable either. Breeding Bamboo Shrimp is no easy feat. Bamboo Shrimp Bamboo shrimp originally belong to the southeastern parts of Asia. They use their fans to scrap the substrate for food, but this action should be avoided. If there are adequate flow conditions in the aquarium, then Bamboo shrimp usually sit in a small group on the streamed edge of larger stones, roots or other hard substrates in order to filter food particles. i got 2 on Thursday. Best regards, Females stick about several hundreds of small eggs (about 1.8 mm in diameter) to their pleopods and carry them for about 22 days. Grinding up an algae-based food and dropping it into the tank will do the trick. Are talking about Caridina cf. Although they are one of the most peaceful cichlids, they will eat baby shrimp when given a chance. Not much information is available about the breeding of Bamboo Shrimp, especially in captivity conditions. It makes transferal and acclimatization of the larvae into brackish conditions even more difficult and risky. Some shrimp breeders also advise keeping a few Amano Shrimp in the tank with Bamboo shrimp. The first is to teach you everything there is to know about Bamboo Shrimp care. It’s not uncommon to see this species climbing around on plants as well. Watching them closely is very addicting. Those very few success stories that we have heard of, breed these shrimp in full strength saltwater with a salinity level of around 1.024. Pregnant Bamboo shrimp. On this blog, I share all the things I learn about shrimp breeding as I go. That is why in general, they prefer high water velocity because food intake rate is proportional to current velocity. For most aquatic life, a larger tank is rarely a bad thing! After 70 days, the larvae start to metamorphose into shrimplets. They’re one of our favorite shrimps, and we think they deserve more love! Lastly, a long tank is better than a deep one. This can further some of the confusion started by their collection of names because many aquarists don’t know that people eat these! This back stripe is particularly pronounced in the younger shrimp, weaker in older specimens, but never completely disappears. If you do any work in the substrate or have fish that like to dig, expect to see your Bamboo Shrimp join in on the action. However, Blue Rams is another matter. Size: 8-12cm, Temperature: tropical species, best kept at 73°F-84°F, Water Parameters: can live under a wide range of ph and hardness conditions from acidic to alkaline, but prefers to live in soft, acidic water. In order to keep them, you need to have at least a medium-sized aquarium of 60 to 80 cm (~20-30 inches) in length. ), and small non-aggressive fish (providing that they have cover to hide in after molting). Unlike many other types of shrimp species, Bamboo shrimp do not usually exhibit omnivorous feeding habits. If so, it is possible, you should not have any problems with them at all. Holding of Bamboo shrimp has become very popular in Europe and nowadays is becoming increasingly attractive in the USA as well. have rarely been successfully bred in captivity. Because of this, it’s normal for aquarists to think they’re referring to multiple species instead of one. Genus of Bamboo Shrimp: Atyopsis. These are some of our all-time favorite freshwater shrimp and we know many other aquarists who feel the same way. Bamboo shrimp do not molt as often as other dwarf shrimp species do. In many cases, they usually do not bother adult shrimp but the risk remains even in heavily planted tanks. Congratulations and thank you for the kind words. The Asian filter shrimp is a notoriously difficult species to breed, and there have been relatively few successful attempts since the species was introduced to the home aquarium hobby. While a lot of people assume that all shrimp look pretty much the same, that’s definitely not the case. Any fish that’s naturally feisty or sees shrimp as food shouldn’t be in the same tank. Michael. i don't know how to tell them apart but would like to know. Their unique colors are…, Clown Loach Care: Tank Size, Food, Lifespan, Tank Mates…, Vampire Crab 101: Care, Habitat Setup, Tank Mates & More, Indian Almond Leaves: Benefits For Your Aquarium, The 35 Best Low Light Aquarium Plants (Must-See), 35 Peaceful Community Fish For Your Tank (Updated List), Malaysian Trumpet Snail 101: Detailed Info & Care Tips. Wrapping Up The Bamboo larvae take about 90 days to metamorphose. So its important that Bamboo Shrimp have plenty of places to hide. Therefore, you can supply them with pond plankton, micro-worms, finely ground food flakes, crushed food tablets, spirulina powder and etc. Their popularity comes primarily from their importance in aquarium trade. Nonetheless, even nowadays this family faces as many, Unlike other ornamented dwarf shrimp, it is very easy to, In some cases, Bamboo shrimp can feed on detrital particles, by picking up from substrates. 10 Gallons (~40 liters) is the absolute minimum tank size you can keep one Bamboo shrimp in (only if you have a suitably sized pump in there to push the water around sufficiently). Just be careful with water parameters. I need to mention that because they are filter feeders and when they have a comfortable spot, they will rarely move and because of this, they even can have algae growing on their exoskeletons. While some owners regularly keep them in smaller tanks than this, we don’t recommend it. But keeping these shrimp is a bit trickier than it seems. It means they should quickly be transferred to brackish water. I also just recently bought two bamboo shrimp. In addition, Bamboo shrimp do not molt very often (that is when they are ready to mate). However, after they have settled in, they become bolder and infinitely calm creatures day by day. Bamboo Shrimp Breeding. Of course, they are not like true chameleons but their color range (for example, from tan to dark brown) is quite noticeable and they can change their coloring within a few seconds. Bamboo shrimp do best when kept in a planted tank. The primary reason we recommend a little extra tank size is that this species is a little larger than most, and needs some space in order to find food. If the water parameters of their habitat suddenly shift, there’s a strong chance it will be fatal. Tip:  The miniscule size of the larvae means that an appropriately sized sponge medium must be used on the sponge filter in the brackish growing tank. However, it is better to have 24-25°C (75-77°F). Breeding the Bamboo Shrimp Breeding Bamboo Shrimp is very challenging. Even though you will see the females carrying eggs, developing the little transparent larvae is very challenging as they require brackish water to change into shrimplets. In some cases, Bamboo shrimp can feed on detrital particles, by picking up from substrates. The feature that stands out the most on the Bamboo Shrimp is their little fan-like hands (hence the name “Fan Shrimp”). Once Bamboo larvae complete their metamorphose they start swimming only forward (Larvae swim in all directions). Hi, Jen, Successfully breeding them in captivity is pretty much out of the question. Bamboo Shrimp are native to Southeast Asia but are also found in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and there have been reports that they have been seen in the Philippines too. Is this shrimp female population biased or what? Interesting: Because there are many different color types within the huge distribution area, it was initially thought that there were also different species of Bamboo shrimp. Hi could any enthusiasts out there advise me on the possibility of keeping Bamboo shrimps in an outside enviroment, in a pond L 1400mm x W 800 x 650 D tapering up to a rocky / pebble beach it will contain suitable rocks and driftwood on the bottom and will be planted, no fish at all and it will have a small fountain and a pump to create water flow. They are found in freshwater streams and rivers. Note: It is very interesting fact but Bamboo shrimp can change colors in congruence to breeding seasons, throughout the year. A normal Bamboo Shrimp lifespan is 1 or 2 years. But I already set up a breeding tank for Amano shrimps, so why not give it a try? The average Bamboo Shrimp size is around 3 inches when fully grown. Nonetheless, even nowadays this family faces as many taxonomic problems as the genus Caridina and Neocaridina. Although, unlike dwarf shrimps, they do not use these leaves directly as a source of food, the substances released by these leaves improve the water quality and make it easier for the shrimp to molt. You can read more “Driftwood in Shrimp tank” right here. As filter feeders, they will clean your water so whenever you see fine particles floating around that is what these giants eat. We cover the details of this in a later section, but the concept can take a little getting used to. In a smaller aquarium you will need to feed your Bamboo S… However, because of feeding the nitrate level will rise. Now, I did own a bamboo shrimp previously (when I first got my 55G tank) and without much knowledge or him or aquaria in general, I got to watch it die. Uncontrollable spreading powder food in the tank can cause overfeeding. While this is true for many fish, the Bamboo Shrimp can be particularly affected when this happens (sometimes you’ll get lucky though). Therefore, it is important to introduce food at night. Author Note: While these shrimp are fairly hardy and easy to take care of, these critters can suffer from serious health complications if they experience a significant change in water parameters. These shrimps have a very developed mimicry process. In addition, Bamboo shrimp have a large creamy yellow-brown (reddish-brown or light to dark brown) race stripe down their back. Stuff growing in tank and on bamboo shrimp. Bamboo Shrimp have seldom been properly bred in captivity. Bamboo shrimp’s unique mode of feeding is very interesting to observe. Note: Actually, shrimp and snails make a great team. In order to maintain this consistency, you should check these parameters on a regular basis. They’ll always look for a suitable hiding place to do this since attempting out in the open would make them easy prey in the wild. link to Theodoxus snails – Detailed Guide: Care, Diet, and Breeding, link to How to Remove Green Spot Algae in Aquariums, Shrimp King Baby – link to check the price on Amazon, Hikari’s First Bites – link to check the price on Amazon. And even ifthe shrimp could be bred successfully, it would be incredibly difficult to feedand raise the larvae in a home aquarium. However, there should not be any sudden changes from brackish water to freshwater. Tip: Experienced Bamboo keepers also advise to whirl the water up from time to time so that the particles can be caught by the fans of the shrimp. The larvae can live in freshwater for 2-3 days maximum, then they die. They always have their little fans out ready to catch something tasty. The traits you’re looking for when it comes to compatible tank mates are a peaceful nature and a nonpredatory relationship. It is not a good idea to keep them with big fish or crabs because despite their size they are absolutely harmless and relatively defenseless. It molted a few weeks ago and is now about three inches long. Unlike other ornamented dwarf shrimp, it is very easy to differentiate males and females once they are about two inches long (~4 cm). Bamboo Shrimp Breeding. There are a lot of edible goodies resting in the substrate, so these shrimp will often make their way over to take advantage of this. Sure all traces of copper are gone from the water sensitivity to water changes health this... Way for fans to give them powdered food to thrive when they still! As small adults feed on detrital particles, by picking up from substrates optimal to... Normal for aquarists to think they ’ re comfortable using them as hiding spots in the USA as.. Than 5 microns in size with Bamboo shrimp is very challenging to eight weeks has no documented of! 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